No Class Sunday, March 9

Prayers for World Peace

Sunday Mornings
9:45am -10:15am

Vajra Light kadampa Buddhist Center
875 Mamaroneck Avenue
Suite 205
Mamaroneck, NY 10543

Join us for Prayers for World Peace, beautiful prayers set to music, that give us the opportunity to develop a warm and loving heart and to help create both inner and outer peace. 

Through contemplating these prayers compiled by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, we learn to cherish all living beings. If everyone sincerely prays to be able to cherish others, then gradually through the power of this prayer, everyone will actually cherish each other.  The world will then be permanently at peace, and pure and everlasting happiness will pervade the entire world.

FREE – Everyone welcome!

Advice from Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, 2001

"World peace is very important; we cannot ignore this now. Once something happens, it will be too late. This world is now, as you know, very delicate, very fragile, and very sensitive. It is almost as delicate as the life of a single person; the world situation is so delicate. This is because there are so many disagreements. Political leaders are ready to fight; everybody is preparing weapons ready to fight, and are challenging each other. So we religious practitioners need to offer prayers because prayers are very powerful. This is because of our pure motivation, the powerful words of the prayers themselves, and especially at such times enlightened beings will bestow their blessings upon us, our environment and other living beings. So we should pray for world peace. We have had two world wars. If there is a third world war this will almost destroy the world because every country has very powerful weapons, and it is very easy to destroy the world. So I would like to suggest that every center organizes prayers for world peace at any time when local people can gather and pray for world peace."

IMPORTANT! At all times, regardless of the empty spaces in the building lot, please use the parking lot at the corner of Lester Avenue and Nostrand Avenue ONLY*. Tenants in the building with designated spaces do come at random times and we don’t want to create any imposition for them. The lot diagonally across the street is FREE.

*There are two designated handicap spaces in the building’s lot, if you need one.